Director's Desk

How to “mistake proof” your guard?

Dear Reader,

A lot of my clients keep struggling with how to ensure that security guard performs his duties diligently -example ensuring that every worker is frisked at the factory gate, makes entry of every visitor or ensuring a gate is closed at all times or even not sleeping on duty…. the list can go on and on.

Based on my experience, I will give you a Ready Solution in a few simple steps.

To ensure the guard does his tasks appropriately the simple step is Auditing through CCTV.

If the guard at a gate is supposed to frisk every worker best way is to use CCTV to check/audit him periodically. In fact, if the guard is aware he is going to be audited, that knowledge itself will ensure that he does his duty diligently.

The process of auditing will comprise of following sub-steps:

  1. Create a checklist of works that need to be audited and its frequency (preferably weekly).
  2. Security agency shares the checklist and frequency of audit with the guard.
  3. You share live CCTV with the security agency by either giving it access of camera or give data in disk periodically (it can be done in-house also)
  4. Security agency picks a random day and fills the checklist.
  5. Security agency gives feedback to guard and shares findings with corrective action taken with person authorised by you.
  6. Once a while randomly pick up one such report and compare it with the report prepared by you independently to ensure the security agency is sending the right report.

I can confidently tell you this system really works as it has with scores of my clients. For best results make the security agency do it for you, however it can be directly implemented by you also!!

I hope the above information helps you sleep easy and if you need any assistance feel free to ask me.


Ravi Kapur

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