About Us

Absolute Security & Allied Services Pvt Ltd. is a one stop shop for all type of Facility Management Services ranging from housekeeping, security and other FMS offered to various renowned clients like HDFC Bank Ltd., ., JCBL, Ratnakar Bank, Sidel, Ahujasons, PHI, Ultratech, First Flight and many others.

Absolute Security is one of very few companies in its Industry which has been featured at Forbes Magazine (ForbesIndia.com)

In the last 37 years succeeding the company’s inception by Maj (Retd) K. C. Kapur in 1986, we, at Absolute Services, have left no stone unturned in terms of providing multifaceted services to Indian clients. Professional Excellence Award and Best Medium Level Security Services Company Award reflect remarkable company growth and impressive milestone achievements. We are proud to announce that our services extend to small businesses, corporates, and industries. Our trained and skilled staff works in close co-ordination with clients to deliver services in exact accordance with the international standard and up to their specifications.

Our services can be customized to fit with the objectives of your organization driven and delivered by experienced professional to achieve quality results at a cost effective value. We follow systematic planning and procedures for the services we provide. When you choose Absolute Services, you are guaranteed a job done by a uniformed experienced staff, qualified supervisors, and state of the art equipment. A regular training program ensures that our staff stays current on the latest techniques and usability of the equipment.

Absolute Security & Allied Services Pvt Ltd. is licensed under PSARA, 2005 for North & Central Indian States that include Delhi, Haryana, UP, Punjab, Chandigarh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Odisha, Bihar, Telangana & Andhra Pradesh.

Management Team

MAJ. (RETD) K. C. KAPUR, Founder of Absolute Services, Delhi



(B.E., M.I.E., M.B.A.)

In 1986, Maj Kapur after serving in Indian army for 20 years started security services and investigation company under the name Ace Detectives. Subsequently as business grew, security services business was spun off into a separate private limited company. Absolute has a dedicated team of trained professionals.
Ravi Kapur - Managing Director, Absolute Security and Facility Management Pvt. Ltd


Managing Director

(B.E. (Mech), M.B.A)

He has been at the helm of affairs since 2007. Prior to joining this business started by his father, he had over 15 years of experience in organizations such as Bharti, Satyam and NIIT. He has worked in areas as diverse as quality, operations, and training. He is also a certified Black Belt in Six Sigma from Motorola University.


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Director Sales & Operations

(M.B.B.S , MBA)

Dr. Kapur is a medical doctor and a management professional (MBA – ISB Hyderabad) with more than 20 years of corporate experience with organizations like Ernst & Young and as Head of Max Group of Hospitals. He looks after the non-banking vertical of Absolute, implementing multiple technology-enabled processes within the organization.

© Copyright 2018, Absolute Security and Facility Management Pvt. Ltd. - Security Agency, Housekeeping and Facility Management Services Company Delhi NCR.

Offices in: New Delhi | Noida | Gurgaon | Varanasi | Patna | Jaipur | Chandigarh | Ranchi