Director's Desk

5 Reasons Why Your Premises Needs an App-based Security Monitoring System

Are you worried that the guard stationed at your premises is sleeping during the night? Are you afraid if he is diligently performing his duties? Reports say that 60% of the security guards stationed during the night hours are caught sleeping. And some of the time, they are not even available at the premises.

Most of the mishaps that take place in the factories, warehouses, and other setups occur during the night hours due to the negligence of the security personal. Mishaps and all of these problems can be brought under control with the help of the App-based security monitoring system.

About the App-based Security Monitoring System

This is an application-based security monitoring system in which the security guard scans the QR codes affixed at various locations at the site in a predetermined interval say every one hour. The security guard has to physically go to each of those identified locations and scan the QR code.

Subsequently, a report is generated to track if the security guard did indeed scan all checkpoints or did he miss them. For any missed scan, the application identifies the same and shows it in the report. In this way, it can be ensured that the guard always remains on his toes.

The report can be accessed by the premise owner/manager as well to monitor the complete movement of the security guards. All this will ensure that it is you who is sleeping peacefully and not your guard.

This blog brings to you 5 reasons as to why your premises needs an App-based Security Monitoring System.

1. The Guards Are Always On Their Toes

In this application-based security monitoring system, the security guard scans the QR codes. These QR codes are affixed at various locations at the site in a predetermined interval say every one hour. The security guard has to physically go to each of those identified locations and scan the QR code. The scanning happens with the help of an android smartphone.

A report gets generated which shows any miss scan done by the guard. In this way, the problem of the security guards sleeping during the night can be brought under control.

2. Mishaps Can Be Brought Under Control

Burglary and fire-like instances occur mostly during the night hours. With the help of the app-based security monitoring system, the guards are appropriately patrolling the complete premises and scanning the QR codes in pre-defined intervals.

The chances of occurrence of any mishaps become negligible as the guards are checking each and every corner of the premises. Any such act can be caught before they cause any damage.

3. Trimming of Financial Losses

A lot of times due to various kinds of mishaps, it causes companies and businesses a huge sum of money. Alert guard on the post keeping an eye on the complete premise leads to the reduction of the financial losses. The app-based security monitoring system also keeps the burglars away as they are aware of the active security.

4. On-time Reporting of Security Guards

Many times it is seen that security guards are not coming to the sites on time. Also, the manager of the company cannot always keep a track of this. The app-based security monitoring system helps to eliminate this issue, as the security guard needs to scan the QR code on time. As not doing so will get him under the eyes of the manager. Also, the time taken for any change in the shifts of the guards can be brought under control, otherwise, the guards take their own sweet time for the same.

5. Peace of Mind to You

As the owner of a business, you have various things to look after apart from the security of your premises. You need to put your mind to improving the operations and profits of your business and not check the security every time. Also at night, you need to have a good sleep after having a hectic day at your office.

The app-based security monitoring system takes care of the security guards and your premises so that it is you who sleeps well and not your guard.

It is evident that the app-based security monitoring system can help you in many ways. It can not only help in trimming your losses but also provides you with peace of mind. So, do speak to your security service provider to provide such a system and eliminate any chances of a mishap at your premises.

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